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Takbirat Al-Eid

Written by on 5 July 2016

Takbirs of ^Id


 الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر

Allahu akbarullahu akbarullahu akbar,

Allah is The Greatest. (I.e. in status)


لا إله إلا الله

La ilaha illallah.

No one is God except Allah.


الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد

Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahi-hamd. (3 times)

Allah is The Greatest and Praise is due to Allah.


الله أكبر كبيرا والحمد لله كثيرا

Allahu akbaru kabira Wal-hamdu lillahi kathira,

Allah is The Greatest. And much praise is due to Allah.


وسبحان الله وبحمده بكرةً وأصيلا

Wa subhanallahi wa bihamdihi bukratawwa ‘asila.

We clear Allah of all the attributes of imperfection and praise Him in the morning and in the evening.     


لا إله إلا الله وحده   
La ilaha illallahu wahdah,

No one is God except Allah


صدق وعده ونصر عبده

Sadaqa wa^dah, wa nasara ^abdah,

He (Allah) fulfilled His promise and gave Victory to His slave (The Prophet).


وأعزّ جنده وهزم الأحزاب وحده

Wa ‘a^azza jundahu, Wa hazamal-‘ahzaba wahdah

He strengthened His soldiers and by His Power the ahzab were defeated.



لا إله إلا الله

La ilaha illallah,

No one is God except Allah.


 ولا نعبد إلا إياه

Wa la na^budu illa Iyyah.

We do not worship anyone but Him.


 مخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون

Mukhlisina lahud-Dina Wa law karihal-kafirun

 Our worship is dedicated only to Him. Even if the non believers hate it.


اللهمّ صلّ على سيدنا محمد

Allahumma salli ^ala (sayyidina) Muhammad,

We ask Allah to raise the status of (our master) Muhammad,


 وعلى ءال محمد

Wa^ala ali (sayyidina) Muhammad,

And the Al (wives and Muslim relatives) of our (master) Muhammad,


 وعلى أصحاب محمد

Wa^ala ashabi (sayyidina) Muhammad,

And the sahabah (companions) of our (master) Muhammad,


وعلى أنصار محمد

Wa^ala ansari (sayyidina) Muhammad,

And the ansar (the people of Madinah who supported the Prophet) of our (master) Muhammad,


 وعلى أزواج محمد

Wa^ala azwaji (sayyidina) Muhammad,

And the wives of our (master) Muhammad,


 وعلى ذرية محمد  وسلّم تسليماً كثيرا

Wa^ala dhurriyyati (sayyidina) Muhammadiw-Wa sallim tasliman kathira.

And the descendents of our (master) Muhammad,

And save the (Muslim) Nation of our (master) Muhammad.


ربِّ اغفر لي ولوالديَّ ربِّ ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا

Rabbi ghfir li wa liwalidayya rabbirhamhuma kama rabbayani saghira.

O Allah forgive me and my parents and have mercy on them for the great effort they put to raise me.